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Ellen and Ken see a comic book movie, but they know what comic book movie they want to see: Dr. Doom! Ellen sees an infinity war, and Ken gets out his trusty (and very odd) Golden Girls Clue game! Finally, the crew dips a toe in some old, outlaw country.

Why have a tear in your beer, when you can have Notoriously Unreliable!

Ellen sees a Predator, and Ken gets even older. The team enjoys some birthday cake and a spot of gin. Ken goes falling in a tube and Canada needs a wall.

O, Notoriously Unreliable, my home and podcast land!

Ellen is recognized as a licensed professional! Ken and Ellen see a Black Panther, then Bryan Cranston gets the NU bump. Batman Returns returns, then spring springs up and Ken visits Tinsel Town.


Get your least reliable notoriety from Notoriously Unreliable!

Eleanor and Ken share all the sports you need. Eleanor sees a CHAPPiE, and the team Jams on jams and cooks some delightfully delish dishes. Ken gets Breath of the Wild and Eleanor takes a nip of some whiskey.

All the Notoriously Unreliable that’s prepped to pod!

Eleanor and Ken are back! They see a Star War, and like the citizens they are: when they see a Star War, they say a Star War. Into microphones. Eleanor is out of school, and Ken spent a year improving his home. Jack Ryan movies are ranked and a listener challenge is thrown down!

If you fall off that horse, you’ve just got to get back up on Notoriously Unreliable!

It’s the triumphant return of the Notoriously Unreliable Podcast!

The recording lair is undergoing construction and Ken makes some unfortunate discoveries. The crew is glad to be back and Ellen’s schedule has provided space to record some more episodes! The crew is so damn pleased  that this winter is over. The podcat visits, then Ellen and Ken discuss the latest Star War, and Ellen gets some delicious mac-n-chee.

The best things in life are Notoriously Unreliable!

Ken and Ellen talk about their weekends, and Ken’s heroic purse story! Next the team talks about video games and kids these days. Ellen is very excited to go to Rose City Comic Con and has some cosplay plans!


Sometimes the world needs The World Needs a Hero, sometimes the world needs Notoriously Unreliable!

Season 2 of The Notoriously Unreliable Podcast is upon us! We change up the entire structure of the show by talking about topics such as: Food! Star Trek! Camping…. Awww, we’re not fooling anybody. It’s more of what you already know and love!

Ellen goes on a chilling camping trip and finalizes plans for Rose City Comic Con. Ken covers his limited food specialties and Ellen shares some Breaking Food News! Then Ellen shows some pictures of rabbits!


Enjoy a second helping of Notoriously Unreliable!

Ellen and Ken explore reasons to make lasagna when single, which leads (as these conversations typically do) to Ghostbusters. Warning: spoilers. Then Ellen gives her report on the new Star Trek movie, and updates the Notoriously Unreliable Star Trek Rankings. Next, the team compares notes on the best car caper movies. Ellen starts buying records, and Ken updates his Facebook filters.

I prefer the warm crackly sound of Notoriously Unreliable!

Ellen goes hunting… for digital pocket monsters. Then Ken spends a little time talking to robots. Ken’s family can’t believe America, and finally, Ellen gets the dim sum of her dreams.


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